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Polystone® M aubergine

PE — PE-UHMW - PE 1000

Polystone® M is an ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (PE-UHMW/PE 1000) used to solve friction, wear and material flow problems in many industries. The material is characterized by excellent sliding properties, extreme wear resistance, high impact strength and very good resistance to chemicals and has established itself in technical applications. The material is available in various colors.

pinkvioletauberginered violet, similar Ral 4002
All colors


  • Good mechanical properties
  • Low coefficient of friction
  • Very good abrasion and wear resistance

Application Examples

Lastre scorrevoli per il sistema di alimentazione

Nell’area di alimentazione accessibile di un impianto di biogas – il cosiddetto piano scorrevole – vengono impiegate lastre scorrevoli Polystone® in polietilene a elevato peso molecolare (PE-UHMW). Le lastre scorrevoli Polystone® vanno a formare le catene di trasporto e sono caratterizzate da eccellenti proprietà di scorrimento e di attrito. Inoltre, sono robuste, resistenti agli acidi e all’usura.

Profilo di guide a catena per trasportatori a catena

Grazie al basso coefficiente di attrito radente, i profili estrusi e fresati in Polystone® M per guide a catena contribuiscono alla riduzione dell’energia necessaria nei trasportatori a catena e al miglioramento della stabilità del processo. Polystone® M ha proprietà autolubrificanti permanenti.


Montate sui parabordi, le lastre scorrevoli in Polystone® M proteggono banchine e navi durante l’ormeggio, le manovre in porto e i periodi di inattività Le lastre, pronte per il montaggio, sono caratterizzate da un’elevata resistenza all’abrasione, all’usura, alle radiazioni UV e agli agenti atmosferici.

Profili corrimano per balaustre

Insieme alle balaustre, offriamo profili corrimano estrusi e fresati in Polystone® M.


No stock item (MOQ)
243764Polystone® M violet/purple/pink pressed sheet sheet pink2.000 x 1.000 x 20 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 20 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
243765Polystone® M violet/purple/pink pressed sheet sheet violet2.000 x 1.000 x 20 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 20 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
277569Polystone® M violet/purple/pink pressed sheet sheet pink6.000 x 2.000 x 20 mm 6.000 mm 2.000 mm 20 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
277570Polystone® M violet/purple/pink pressed sheet sheet violet6.000 x 2.000 x 20 mm 6.000 mm 2.000 mm 20 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
326320Polystone® M violet/purple/pink pressed sheet sheet aubergine6.000 x 2.000 x 27 (-0/+0,4) mm 6.000 mm 2.000 mm 27 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
438026Polystone® M violet/purple/pink pressed sheet sheet aubergine3.000 x 2.000 x 27 mm 3.000 mm 2.000 mm 27 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
438027Polystone® M violet/purple/pink pressed sheet sheet aubergine3.000 x 2.000 x 55 mm 3.000 mm 2.000 mm 55 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
438457Polystone® M violet/purple/pink pressed sheet sheet aubergine6.000 x 2.000 x 55 mm 6.000 mm 2.000 mm 55 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
447082Polystone® M violet/purple/pink pressed sheet sheet violet6.000 x 2.500 x 20,1 mm 6.000 mm 2.500 mm 20 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
449927Polystone® M violet/purple/pink pressed sheet sheet pink6.000 x 2.500 x 20,1 mm 6.000 mm 2.500 mm 20,1 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
460983Polystone® M violet/purple/pink pressed sheet sheet red violet, similar Ral 40022.000 (-0/+5) x 1.000 (-0/+5) x 20 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 20 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
461080Polystone® M violet/purple/pink pressed sheet sheet red violet, similar Ral 40026.000 x 2.000 x 20 mm 6.000 mm 2.000 mm 20 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
461644Polystone® M violet/purple/pink pressed sheet sheet blue lilac, similar RAL 40052.000 (-0/+5) x 1.000 (-0/+5) x 20 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 20 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
462219Polystone® M violet/purple/pink pressed sheet sheet blue lilac, similar RAL 40056.000 x 2.000 x 20 mm 6.000 mm 2.000 mm 20 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
245353Polystone® M violet/purple/pink extruded rod rod heather violet, similar RAL 4003Ø 140 x 3.000 (-0/+60) mm 3.000 mm 140 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
284832Polystone® M violet/purple/pink extruded rod rod red violet, similar Ral 4002Ø 140 x 2.000 mm 2.000 mm 140 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
446819Polystone® M violet/purple/pink extruded rod rod violetØ 130 x 2.000 mm 2.000 mm 130 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
456880Polystone® M violet/purple/pink extruded rod rod pinkØ 130 x 2.000 mm 2.000 mm 130 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
459489Polystone® M violet/purple/pink extruded rod rod violetØ 160 x 2.000 mm 2.000 mm 160 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
466380Polystone® M violet/purple/pink extruded rod rod heather violet, similar RAL 4003Ø 80 x 2.000 mm 2.000 mm 80 mm

Technical Specifications Polystone® M aubergine

Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
DensityDIN EN ISO 1183-1g / cm3>0,93
Water absorptionDIN EN ISO 62%0,01
Flammability (Thickness 3 mm / 6 mm)UL 94HB
Molecular weight-106 g/mol 9
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Elongation at breakDIN EN ISO 527%>50
Tensile modulus of elasticityDIN EN ISO 527MPa>650
Notched impact strengthDIN EN ISO 11542kJ / m2>100
Shore hardnessDIN EN ISO 868scale D>63
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Melting temperatureISO 11357-3°C130 ... 135
Thermal conductivityDIN 52612-1W / (m * K)0,40
Thermal capacityDIN 52612kJ / (kg * K)1,90
Coefficient of linear thermal expansionDIN 5375210-6 / K150 ... 230
Service temperature, long termAverage°C-250 … 80
Service temperature, short term (max.)Average°C130
Vicat softening temperatureDIN EN ISO 306, Vicat B°C80
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Dielectric constantIEC 602502,3
Dielectric dissipation factor (106 Hz)IEC 602500,0001
Volume resistivityDIN EN 62631-3-1Ω * cm>1014
Surface resistivityDIN EN 62631-3-2>1014
Comparative tracking indexIEC 60112600
Dielectric strengthIEC 60243kV / mm>40


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